📘 ❞ A Short History of Literary Criticism ❝ كتاب ــ Petru Golban اصدار 2008

النقد الأدبي Literary criticism - 📖 كتاب ❞ A Short History of Literary Criticism ❝ ــ Petru Golban 📖

█ _ Petru Golban 2008 حصريا كتاب ❞ A Short History of Literary Criticism ❝ 2024 Criticism: Üç Mart Press Petru Estella Antoaneta Ciobanu A Criticism A Criticism Üç Mart CONTENTS Introduction 4 1 The Foundations Criticism (Petru Golban) Preliminaries 12 Ancient and Medieval 15 Renaissance Philip Sidney 25 Restoration John Dryden 32 Neoclassicism Alexander Pope 41 The Rise the English Novel Henry Fielding 58 The Romantic Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley 70 The Victorian Arnold, Ruskin, Pater 95 Fragments Analyses 114 Conclusion 156 Suggestions for Further Reading 160 2 Contemporary Trends in Theory Criticism (Estella Ciobanu) The Formal Approach to Literature 164 The through 182 The Socio Cultural Context 201 The Gender 215 Literature Psychoanalysis 251 Post Structuralism Deconstruction 269 Bibliography 295 INTRODUCTION It is a critical cliché start book on literary theory criticism by bringing into discussion name Matthew Arnold claim that what has shown itself as modality capable enough reassure and strengthen role literature an agent able satisfy intellectual needs humans permanent re evaluation past national and international heritage, study contemporary literary practice, context what more than one hundred years ago described disinterested effort learn propagate best that known thought world This endeavour, Victorian scholar believes, ‘real estimate’, real approach literature, leading to its true understanding “a sense best, really excellent, and of strength joy” be drawn from text These ideas seem nowadays superfluous obsolete, being long rejected replaced by the scientific methodological perspectives formalism, structuralism, psychoanalysis, deconstruction, other approaches developed by twentieth century criticism النقد الأدبي مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتوي علي كل ما يتعلق بالنقد النقد دراسة ونقاش وتقييم وتفسير الأدب يعتمد الحديث غالبا النظرية الأدبية وهي النقاش الفلسفي لطرق وأهدافه ورغم العلاقة بينهما فإن النقاد الأدبيين ليسوا دوما منظرين هو فن تفسير الأعمال وهو محاولة منضبطة يشترك فيها ذوق الناقد وفكره للكشف عن مواطن الجمال أو القبح والأدب سابق للنقد الظهور ولولا وجود لما كان هناك نقد أدبي لأن قواعده مستقاة ومستنتجة من إن ينظر النصوص الأد بية شعرية كانت نثرية ثم يأخذ الكشف والقبح معللاً مايقولة ومحاولاً أن يثير نفوسنا شعور بأن يقوله صحيح وأقصى يطمح إليه لأنه لن يستطيع أبداً يقدم لنا برهاناً علميا يقيناً ولذا لا يوجد عندنا صائب وآخر خاطئ وإنما أكثر قدرة تأويل العمل الفني وتفسيره غيره واختلاف مناهج معناه اختلاف وجهات النظر والذوق هو المرجع الأول الحكم والفنون أقرب الموازين والمقاييس إلى طبيعتها ولكن الذوق الجدير بالاعتبار المصقول لذوق الذي يكبح جماح هواه الخاص قد يجافي الصواب الخبير بالأدب راضه ومارسه وتخصص فهمه ودرس أساليب الأدباء ومنح القدرة فهم أسرارهم والنفوذ دخائلهم وادراك مشاعرهم وسبر عواطفهم بفهمه العميق وحسه المرهف وكثرة تجاربه لذلك لابد يتمتع الناقدبعدة صفات منها: قدر وافر المعرفة والثقافة البصر الثاقب يكون خير معين له إصدار الصائب فالأدب ونقده وفن قبل معرفة وعلما وان تعين صاحب الحس السليم والطبع Literary (or studies) study, evaluation, interpretation Modern often influenced theory, which philosophical literature's goals methods Though two activities are closely related, critics not always, have always been, theorists Whether or should considered separate field inquiry conversely reviewing, matter some controversy For example, Johns Hopkins Guide

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
A Short History of Literary Criticism

A Short History of Literary Criticism

ــ Petru Golban

صدر 2008م
A Short History of Literary Criticism

A Short History of Literary Criticism

ــ Petru Golban

صدر 2008م
عن كتاب A Short History of Literary Criticism:
Üç Mart Press
Petru Golban Estella Antoaneta Ciobanu
A Short History of Literary Criticism

A Short History of Literary Criticism
Üç Mart

Introduction 4
The Foundations of Literary Criticism
(Petru Golban)
Preliminaries 12
Ancient and Medieval Criticism 15
Renaissance and Philip Sidney 25
Restoration and John Dryden 32
Neoclassicism and Alexander Pope 41
The Rise of the English Novel and Henry Fielding 58
The Romantic Criticism: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley 70
The Victorian Criticism: Arnold, Ruskin, Pater 95
Fragments and Analyses 114
Conclusion 156
Suggestions for Further Reading 160
Contemporary Trends in Literary Theory and Criticism
(Estella Antoaneta Ciobanu)
The Formal Approach to Literature 164
The Approach through Reading 182
The Approach through Socio-Cultural Context 201
The Approach through Gender 215
Literature and Psychoanalysis 251
Post-Structuralism and Deconstruction 269
Bibliography 295

It is a critical cliché to start a book on literary theory and criticism
by bringing into discussion the name of Matthew Arnold and to claim that
what has shown itself as a modality capable enough to reassure and
strengthen the role of literature as an agent able to satisfy the intellectual
needs of humans is the permanent re-evaluation of the past national and
international literary heritage, and the study of the contemporary literary
practice, in the context of what Matthew Arnold more than one hundred
years ago described as a disinterested effort to learn and propagate the best
that is known and thought in the world. This endeavour, the Victorian
scholar believes, is the ‘real estimate’, the real approach to literature, leading
to its true understanding and to “a sense for the best, the really excellent, and
of the strength and joy” to be drawn from literary text. These ideas seem
nowadays superfluous and obsolete, being long ago rejected and replaced by
the more scientific and methodological critical perspectives of formalism,
structuralism, psychoanalysis, deconstruction, and other approaches
developed by the twentieth century literary theory and criticism.


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